When I was growing up, I never had any yogurt, didn’t know what it was nor taste like till I saw my elder sis giving it to my nephew (when he was little). Yes, yes… call me mountain tortoise (singlish equivalent to a country pumpkin)… then again, I did grew up in the countryside 😛.… Continue reading Homemade Yoghurt
Author: Pamela
Far Aux Pruneaux (Far Breton)
A few days ago, Michèle, my mother-in-law found herself with a litre of fresh cow’s milk still sitting in the fridge untouched. She needed to use this litre up fast as she had another 2 litre bottles of fresh one waiting for her at the nearby farm. We had the option to do the usual… Continue reading Far Aux Pruneaux (Far Breton)
No Knead Bread Adventure
Reasons for my absent in blogging these days is I had a fever lasting for weeks. No, nothing extremely serious that needs medication but it is kinda serious enough to get me all excited and crazy: I have been caught by No Knead Bread fever. I better warn you first … it is very addictive.… Continue reading No Knead Bread Adventure
Bread Pudding
Dear Readers, this time around, I’m going to cut the crap of my usual blah blah blah and spare you some eye workouts 😉. I’ll just go right to the point of this recipe! What to do with your left over stale bread? We can do a delicious Cheese Fondue or use some of it… Continue reading Bread Pudding
Tarte Grand-mère
Hope everyone had a good Valentine’s day last Saturday. This is the first year we were alone on Valentine’s day. Woke up to no crying toddler, bliss! My honey got up early at 7 am, went out and bought some almonds croissants for breakfast and served me breakfast in bed.🙂 Never mind there weren’t any… Continue reading Tarte Grand-mère
Carrot-Zucchini Cake
We are back at the mountain lodge for the weekend again. That fresh crispy mountain air, nature right at your doorstep… not forgetting that priceless pleasure sipping a cup of hot tea admiring the beautiful sunrise over the mountain… now that is what I call LIFE ! (well some of you might disagree with me… Continue reading Carrot-Zucchini Cake
Oeufs Au Lait (Caramel Custard)
GONG XI FA CAI Wishing Everyone Lots of Luck and Prosperity during the Ox Year ! It seems like the year of the ox didn’t start off with a big bang … well it did for Singapore, in the sense that the government, for the first time since they banned fire crackers in 1972, lighted… Continue reading Oeufs Au Lait (Caramel Custard)
Coconut Chocolate Nut Cookies
Last Christmas Little One was a little too young to understand all the fuss about Christmas. Now that she is a little older, she is more curious about it – she even helped me set up and decorate our Christmas tree. My sister-in-law not only taught her to sing ‘Petit Papa Nöel’ a week before… Continue reading Coconut Chocolate Nut Cookies
Cheese Fondue
Merry Christmas Everyone ! Hope Santa brought you lots of presents.🙂 Winter for me is a sort of a love/hate thing. It means long cold cold days with sun rising only at 8 am and darkness already falling at 5 pm.☹️ Even after 7 years living in Europe, I still cannot get used this short… Continue reading Cheese Fondue
Mutton Curry
It’s funny how living in hustling and bustling city life for too long makes one takes lots of things for granted. I have been so busy with my life that I forgot to take a pause and enjoy the beauty and simple pleasures in life. Spending the last few weekends up at the mountain house… Continue reading Mutton Curry